I am going to get a shirt but i don't know which color. Blue or gray??? I keep feeling that gray is too light but blue is too dark i have light brown hair light skin and hazel eyes!!!!
( i will be wearing the shirt with jean shorts)
Blue or Gray????
blue! grey is dull n isnt nice on girls whatsoever!
Blue or Gray????
my bro has the same features a u and he wears like light blue and they make his eyes pop its cool
Blue or Gray????
Blue and gray. Stripes. Yay! I solved the problem.
Blue or Gray????
Gray. I hate wearing blue tops with blue colored jeans.. it just seems like to much of one color. Plus gray is way less common.
Blue or Gray????
i think u looking very cute so gray shirt is best for u
Blue or Gray????
Hi Jess, Blue for sure you have light brown hair and hazel eyes blue is you. Lol
Blue or Gray????
I agree, blue will bring out your eyes, and your hair. Plus, sometimes gray is a little depressing. lol. Blue will make your spirit seem more happier.
Blue or Gray????
blue is also better with dark hair
Blue or Gray????
u should go with TEAL because it will go great with your hair and will bring out yur eyes. also it is not to light and not to dark. ( and it will go great with jean shorts)
Blue or Gray????
Grey would look better. I have the same features, except my hair is dark brown, and greys of all shades look good on me.
However, go with your gut. THe one you are naturally drawn to is usually the one that looks best on you.
Blue or Gray????
blue it will enchance your eyes
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