Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dyed my hair with ion color level 3. hair didnt all catch. went to salon for filler, and got too dar

my hair used to e bleach blonde. i was tired of dying my roots, and breaking my hair. i also want to grow my hair out. my natural color is a dark dark ash blonde. but i dont want the gray color. so i decided to dye it a dark golden brown. the lady at sallys told me that i should take out the red.. and gave me this little pouch to mix in the hair dye. i put the whole thing in..and it did take all the red out of it. my hair turned out brown. i went to get a new set of clip in hair extensions..and realized that my hair was gray/green. i went to a hair stylist, and they put the red back in my hair with a filler, and used a step 4. i had hot red roots, so they put in some brown filler on the roots. now my hair looks nearly black. i was told that the filler is semi permanent, and that it will wash out and lighten up. i hate this color. its to much of a shock. my hair is damaged from the blonde. he said the damaged hair wont hold the color and it'll wash out. is my hair dresser right? help!!!

Dyed my hair with ion color level 3. hair didnt all catch. went to salon for filler, and got too dark? help!!!

you should have gone with a neutral blonde instead.

he is right damaged hair won't absorb color like new hair.

that's why your roots took the color but the rest of your hair didn't.

you will just have to wait to fix your hair i think otherwise you'll have it falling out from overprocessing

Dyed my hair with ion color level 3. hair didnt all catch. went to salon for filler, and got too dark? help!!!

Shave it all off and start again.

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