Saturday, August 1, 2009

How do i prevent graying hair?

how do u treat these

How do i prevent graying hair?

you can't prevent it.. but you can color it. Guys look better if they just let it go grey though. A man with re-growth is weird looking.

How do i prevent graying hair?

Dye your hair or try not to stress as much.

How do i prevent graying hair?

I think guys with grey hair are hot!

How do i prevent graying hair?


How do i prevent graying hair?

every day stand on your tippe toes and slowly life your arms up while taking a dep breath gradually, until your arms are on top of your head

then, slowly exhale while bring your arms back down to your sides -

this will increase blood circulation and slowly expand the amount of air your lungs can take in a little at a time, every time you do it

i think graying hair may be tied to blood flow!! it's possible!!

How do i prevent graying hair?

by highlighting your hair

How do i prevent graying hair?

You can't really prevent it, sorry!

You can dye them, though I personally like when people use natural dyes (henna or something) because it's less toxic, or when people get dye jobs at the salon, because the stylists protect your scalp from carcinogenic chemicals in dyes, and they know when to remove the dyes so that your hair doesn't thin/fall out as fast.

How do i prevent graying hair?

My dad colors his hair but he does it himself at home and sometimes he accidentally colors his skin... I think people should just embrace the gray. 40 is the new 30 so age isn't as big of a deal now. Look at George Clooney

How do i prevent graying hair?

To check graying of hair, mix lemon juice in olive oil, beat till frothy and apply on scalp and wash off after an hour. Premature graying of hair can be postponed by using a strong decotion of black tea and a tablespoon of salt, strain and apply to the roots for 45 minutes and wash with water. Don't shampoo. Please check out for more info.

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