Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

do? Pluck them out, dye them, or just let nature take its course?

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

I think they look kinda pretty..I'm going to leave them alone and see what they do.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

shave my head.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

I'd start dying my hair lighter so it'd become gray sooner.

Unless I was like 20. Then I'd dye it.

but I've got one on the bottom of my hair and if I pluck it, it makes my neck and head hurt really bad!!.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

Nothing, letting them stay where they are.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

pluck them. Nature and me don't get along

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

not yet, let nature take it's course, of course i do dye my hair anyway, but grays wouldn't be my reason to.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

A few?? I wish. They are taking over!!!!!!! Oh well I guess I will just live with my salt and pepper hair

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

hair color!!

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

So far I am letting nature take its course. Sometimes I think about a little dye but it probably won't happen.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

They definitely make me look more distinguished.

Mind you, that is not a tall order, lmao! ;o)

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

Dye it as long as I can. Otherwise, I'd just let nature take its course and try to age with grace.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

i have a lot of grey hairs and im only 27..but im okey with mother says its a birthmark..i'll let nature take its course

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

Heck I even got some white nose hairs. Those I pluck because they look like I got a booger. Those at the temple, I leave em be,,,,

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

Dying, but the grays don't hold the color - at all.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

Leave them be or color them. But do not pluck more will grow back in it's place.

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

Yes, and I've been dying my hair ever since,

Have you discovered a few gray hairs at the temple? What are you going to...???

I've got more than a few.Can't be bothered to dye it,so letting nature take its course.And its taking course rapidly.

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