Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A question for the men.?

Just for fun, I would like to take a poll here. Just a simple yes or no, Christian or atheist will do. No essays, please, as I am too tired today to read them.

I am overweight, have uneven skin tone, am missing a bottom tooth, and have graying hair. My eyes are brown and my hair is styled like my avatar. Who would ask me out?

A question for the men.?

If I got to know you better, I might. What's on the inside counts more than the outside--I've seen a lot of "beautiful" girls who contain only evil in their hearts.

A question for the men.?

why are you posting this here?

A question for the men.?

I'm only a teenager.

A question for the men.?

you sound a lot like my wife, but if I was to ask you out, MY WIFE WOULD KILL ME!!1

A question for the men.?

Nice hair, but I'm not a fan of overweight people. So no.

A question for the men.?

im married.

A question for the men.?

I don't know. How tall are you?

(Ideal woman: 3-feet tall, no teeth, and a flat head... so you have a place to set your drink.)

A question for the men.?

Interesting poll, but sorry, no.

I'm neither Christian, nor atheist, which must by definition make me some sort of sub-human oddity. (Only kidding).

Cute avatar, though. I hope you meet someone nice.


A question for the men.?

If you were kind and I was not married you sound just perfect.

Love and blessings Don

A question for the men.?

I am gay

A question for the men.?

I wouldn't, but mainly because I'm quite certain that my wife would object.

But I've asked women (not girls) out before who others might not find attractive.

A question for the men.?

You forgot one category Married!! Jim

A question for the men.?

I'm not a guy, but want to share something with you. I met my husband on line. We are both Christians. I never asked him how much money he made, nor did he ask me what I looked like. The moral of this is we were ot looking at the others heart (values) and not at the physical. It was at some later point we shared this info...but only after the relationship had moved into a more serious realm.

Just wanted to share.

A question for the men.?

No thanks....I'm already have a girlfriend...

A question for the men.?

No, who would?

I don't even know who you are...

I would if i know what you are like deep inside

A question for the men.?

I'd go with Belize if I were you.

I am overweight, I talk to much, have yellowy teeth, am a bit lazy, and many other bad things....can we date? LOL

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