Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why do my gray hairs itch until I pluck them or dye them (every week)?

I think you can't stand to look at your gray hair. So, your making yourself go crazy to the point that you think they itch. I know gray hair is not the greatest. I have had Grey hair since I was 13 years old. It will be OK, just dye it. don't keep plucking out you hair you are going to give yourself a bald spot. and try to calm down you should not dye your hair every week because it will damage it and then not only will you have Grey hair, but also dry and brittle hair that will look like hay.

Why do my gray hairs itch until I pluck them or dye them (every week)?

You're not crazy. I know women to include myself that say the same thing. I think I've come to the conclusion that we have sensitive scalps, my gray hair is thicker than my natural hair. Unlike you though, dying it doesn't make it stop itching. But they dyes make me break out in a rash too. Report It

Why do my gray hairs itch until I pluck them or dye them (every week)?

they do not really itch, it is all psychological. because you know they are there you want rid of them so bad and it preys on your mind so much your subconcious takes over and keeps nagging you to get rid of them.

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