Monday, July 27, 2009

What shade of Blonde hair?

I see so many girls my age and older that have dyed their hair white. Like compleatly WHITE. why? Why does everyone want really white hair these days? I have naturally blonde hair, and when i was little my mom used to called me Snow bunny cause my hair was pure white. But now my hair has darkened to a darker blonde? why is this? (gosh i know people, its all questions and questions! sorry) I was just wondering why cause people that do dye their hair that blonde white, always have not-so-nice dark roots growing out and it looks kinda dirty and a bit gray. Is white hair considered more pretty or beautiful than a darker shade of blonde? I just dont get it!??

What shade of Blonde hair?

I don't get it either.

I think it's cause blonde's are supposedly sex symbols or something, so they think the blonder they are, the sexier they are.

I guess?

I'm really not sure though.

Hope I helped. (:

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