Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

I'm 28 and I have a large gray streak starting from my hairline going back. Kind of like a I have to keep dying it or put that temporary dye stuff every few days.

I started graying at 18. Eek!

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying? you started graying at 18...i am almost 16, and i have had gray hair...since atleast 7th grade, if not about prematurely yea...don't feel quite as bad because there is always worse ;)...and it sucks...i am constantly you know you have gray hairs??? yea...just be lucky it was 18 instead of 12 ish :)

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?


Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

I don't have any hair

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

Awesome, like I have only one long hair, about 2 feet long, and it grows out of the top of my head, but it is orange.

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

Yes, I have a few. The nothing stresses me out.

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

Nah, I'm a hairdresser hair NEVER gets gray!

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

im 28 too, but i dont have grey hairs yet..

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?


Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

My first gray started when I was 12; I'm over 50 now and it's about half gray, half red (under the dye, lol). My hairdresser keeps joking that he has to bleach less and less as time goes on. I, personally, have racing stripes, just like my daddy did -- two wide white stripes just over the ears!

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

Darn right! I'm getting gray on my temples and sideburn area. Work and family is making me go gray! I don't mind it though.

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

My first gray hair started at 18 too. I think a gray streak is attractive. Work with your hair dresser.

Now I'm totally gray 76 yrs. old!

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

OMG!!! Yesterday i was sitting in the car waiting on my husband and pulled my hair back...THE WHOLE UNDERNEATH IS GRAY......I'M 27!!! I almost started to freak out. I mean not just a few strands but clumps of solid white hair. I have to go get some dye...It made feel so old....LMAO!!

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

nothing to make me look like a skunk!!!

but i have occasional gray hairs here and tehre not much. just like 6 gray strands somewhere hiding in my long hair and im only 15 but its like hereditary :/ uck

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

There is nothing premature about my grey hairs. I never had any until about 4 years ago, I deserve and have earned each one.

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

I was born with a gray streak on the side of my hair. My hair is black so it really shows. I dye mine too.

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

I'm 27 and I have some gray that is starting to get noticeable...I'm not happy about it, but oh is hereditary in my family

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

Mine to started in my early 20's. My sister has this and my mom has this.

I have never died mine. My sister when she realized it was now in style let hers go natural the last time I saw her. My mother then let hers go natural too.

You are who you are and this is just who we are! People pay good money for these highlights these days lol!

I worked in a cabinet shop and one of the guys thought my grey streak was putty lol! My sister and I when standing next to each other have a full head of grey, though I am blond and she has dark hair lol!

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

O my gosh!! I'm 54, do I need to say more. Cherish your hair (whatever color it is) while you have it. Mine has been disappearing since I was 38. The doctor said it was midget indians scalping me. I don't believe him. So, ya got a gray streak, yipers. Thats a toughy. Ask the doctor

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

I'm 15 and I've found quite a few grey hairs. I think it's from stress, but I have a feeling I'm going to have a problem in the next few years.

Do you have any gray hairs? Prematurely graying?

Nope, not one gray hair..Yet!!

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