Thursday, July 23, 2009

How do you reduce grey hair?

I'm 15 with black hair and with a few gray hairs and even though most of my hair is black it still looks a bit grayish and faded

How do you reduce grey hair?

color it

How do you reduce grey hair?

Dye It..

But You Can Reduse It By Not Gettingg Stressed!

An If Youu Have Children They Get There Fasterr. !

How do you reduce grey hair?

dye it but if you die it black again youll have the same problem...its not really gray its just the pigment that males it look that way

How do you reduce grey hair?

check out youthhair

How do you reduce grey hair?

Reduce stress in your life. Live healthy.

How do you reduce grey hair?

There is not much you can do to prevent gray hair. Stress does cause hormonal changes that may cause it, but I hope at 15 that is not the case. You'll have to dye it pretty often since color does not last as long on gray or red hairs.

How do you reduce grey hair?

Dye it

How do you reduce grey hair?

homemade beauty tips to:--Premature graying - grey hair

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