Thursday, July 23, 2009

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

There is a good chance that it will turn grey. The best way to dye your hair from blonde to brown is by using a red filler first and then put the brown over the top. It doesn't have to be a bright red just something with a bit of pigmentation in it. This should give you a nice colour.

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

WHY WOULD IT? it will b brown if ur blonde hair is natural. if its not natural blonde, get a darker shade of brown to give it more intense colour to hold onto and it will b light brown as ur final result. but not grey

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

If you don't have warmth in the brown is will look ashy ( green) but not gray. Do a color with a warm undertone ( it doesn't have to be much but you need some)

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

Im pretty sure it can actually turn green, I was going to dye brown over my (bleached) blonde highlights, but after seeing what happened to my friends hair I had it done professionally, and they put the red on first, like the person above mentioned, which ensures your hair wont turn green lol! I would recommend getting it done professionally, but whatever you choose to do, good luck.

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

I would say that not to take a chance just go to the salon and ask them to do it you know for a fact they won't mess it up because they are profesional. I have done that before when I dyed it bak to brown it had a grey tint to it so I went to the salon and they fixed it. Hope I helped!

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

no definitly not but you will have to retouch it every now and then because the color will fade out or get dull after so many washes since it was a lighter color before good luck with your new look.

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

hi LiL L@t!n@....

hmmmmmm......i really don think dat it'll turn gray......infact i think it'll really suit u n u'll really luk nice or beautiful.....n ya 1 more thing just tc of ur hair....means if u goin 2 re-dye then u must take extra care....ok buddy dis iz de way i think now its upto dreamz...bye bye......

*****!f be!n $exy !z @ cr!me th@n @rre$t me....*****

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

If your hair has been bleached (light) blond from a (very dark to medium dark) brown you may face ash (grey) issues if you use the wrong tint back formula. You may need to fill the hair with a red filler but most likely a gold based brown will do the trick just fine.

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

If its medium blonde..u will just get a dark blond unless ure going to a salon if u are than no it won't go gray it wont go gray either way

My hair is dyed blonde but i am goin to dye it a light brown will it turn gray ?

The brown will fade lighter but not grey,

Black would fade to grey.

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