Thursday, July 23, 2009

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

genetics. my mate is 23 and is getting quite a lot. Stress can also be a cause as well. Only way you can solve it is to dye your hair I'm afriad.

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

stress. you must de-stress and relax. my husband has some gray hairs and he's only 23.

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

It's just how some people are. I think it's unusual looking and kind of pretty. If you don't like it, just color it.

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

Heredity has a lot to do with it.

Check your Mom's family line and you'll probably find similiar relatives.

Whichever, at least you've still got some that turned gray instead of turning loose!

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

you need more sex ;)

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

Some people just gray faster. I knew a boy in 9th grade who had a white stipe in his bangs. It wasn't dyed.

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

stress and improper intake of food causes it. eat lots of vitamin c foods and have fresh vegetable and fruits. it will prevent further greying

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

maybe it is beacuse of stress. try and relax catch up on ur sleep if u have been losing out on it. it might be a hereditary problem. . take care of urself and if u start hating it then u could colour it. select a colour that doesnt harm ur hair.

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

It could be from stress.

Or you could just be gettin old or good luck.:)

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

i think getting grey can be a hereditory thing

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

im 18 and i have grey hairs and i dont mean little bits, a big patch by the top of my left ear, root to tip, pure grey.

my mum went grey at 16 and my mate was born with a thick grey stripe down the middle of his head (kinda like a mohecan).

its natural. theres nothing you can do to stop it. but you can cover it up.

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

some people gray earlier than others. some don't get any until they are about 50. deals with genetics, lifestyle and luck

Why do i have some gray hairs on my head at my early 30`s.?

Are you stressed, smoke, eat improperly or are genetically pre-disposed to premature graying? Is it sparse; like maybe one or two and then fall out? Gray hair can be so lovely, especially when it turns a silvery colour.

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