Thursday, July 23, 2009

I dyed my hair a light brown and in spots it turned gray. I dyed it twice the same color. What shoul

if it went gray it was probably overprocessed to begin with. go to a salon and ask for a soap cap and warm toner. then use golden shades not anything that says cool or natural or ash. have a friend help you so you dont get the color on the previously color treated hair.

I dyed my hair a light brown and in spots it turned gray. I dyed it twice the same color. What should I do?

oh that a bad sign..

lesson: don't dye your hair for the third time...worse might happen.

be contented with its natural color..

I dyed my hair a light brown and in spots it turned gray. I dyed it twice the same color. What should I do?

pick 1 then stick with it.yur gonna be addicted to that stuff and make yur head over processed.If I were u Id go 2 the beauty salon and let a Proffesional care for my hair so itll stay healthy and managable

I dyed my hair a light brown and in spots it turned gray. I dyed it twice the same color. What should I do?

Don't try it again at home. I would stop by a salon and see what they can do for you. You don't have to go all the time, but you might want to see them to get the current hair mishaps under control.

I dyed my hair a light brown and in spots it turned gray. I dyed it twice the same color. What should I do?

If I were you at this point I would go to a salon or if a salon is pricey for you I would see if you couldn't find a local beauty college however whatever you do, you should not try it again at home your going to dry out your hair and if you do that enough it will become brittle and brake, and then you'll be sad.

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