I have dark brown long hair with layers. It is also naturally curly and a little coarse in texture. I started getting a few gray hairs along my part and on my bottom layers. You can see the gray hair more when I pull it up in a ponytail. I have gotten my hair highlighted in the past and it really made my hair unhealthy. I have also colored it in the past and the kit I used really didn't cover up the few gray hairs I have. It was nice and easy. What is the best thing to do for my hair type? Any suggestions?
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
I prefer to dye my own hair because I have ultimate control over the colour, but if you have never dyed your hair before I don't suggest it. You have to understand colour, what strength developer to use and you also have to be comfortable with the application (technique) which can be difficult.
If you would be interested in dyeing your own hair you should go to a beauty supply store and read the bottles! You can pick out the colour and the level of developer you want but be sure to read those bottles too! And ask questions- hopefully the employees would be able to give you some helpful advise. When you apply it it helps to have a friend make sure you're getting even coverage.
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
a salon is always the better choice if you can afford it.
B/c some colors have diff. bases that might not work right w/you hair and not being a hair styleist you would not know of this and thats why some ppl get their hair messed up from home dying kits.
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
Go to the hairdressers. Your hair is exactly the same texture as mine and I'm having same problem with greys. Highlighting is no good, ask for lowlights instead.
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
go to the salon.. box colors aren't the best to use
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
In the past couple of years, L'oreal has come out with new shades that cover grays well. try this link:
i hope this helps!
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
I have that problem also i have tried the do it at home thing, it works sometimes others not at all. I refuse to pay full price for the salon that will just grow out in 3 months then have to spend the money again. My suggestion Go to a beauty school look in your local phone book for beauty schools they are VERY reasonable and honestly most of the time even do a better job because they are being graded and the professionals that are teaching them come and make sure everything is going right the whole way through so you are HAPPY with what you paid for. Trust me since I found this place I no longer try the do it myself way it saves time and is probably only about 5 more dollars than doing it yourself. Look into it I think you will be very happy.
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
check the links below for * Hair coloring tips
check the links below for * Hair Dyeing Tips
What is best for coloring hair- going to the salon or a home kit?
check this link its good
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